July 2024 Gateway Improvements

The new Gateway site is proving to be a good starting point for staff and students, but there are always ways we can make it better. Here is a quick summary of some of the changes made:

More Public

The gateway site used to require user authentication to see anything beyond the very first page. Effective immediately, this has been relaxed to allow more people the ability to see what we have to offer. There will be future content on the site that will require users to login, and this change doesn’t remove the need to authenticate to other secure resources, but at least the services offered now can be viewed by everyone.


We have also added more descriptions to the various links presented on each Gateway page. While this might not be useful for our most experienced students, this will go a long way to help new students acquaint themselves more quickly.

We’re anticipating more changes to come in August and are excited to share this with you when ready!