Remote – What’s in the Gift Box?

Join us for an exciting and interactive Guess What’s in the Gift Box Challenge! This event will test your creativity and intuition as you try to identify the mystery item.

Remote – Christmas on a Deserted Island!

Similar to a virtual escape room game – but instead participants need to virtually escape the deserted island. Participants will answer a series of questions to find their way off the deserted island and return home for their Christmas festivities.

Staff Dinner

HN staff Christmas dinner

BN Hot Cocoa Bar

Students & Staff are invited to a hot Cocoa Bar event at the campus. Bring your festive cheer and join us for some goodies.

Resume Building Workshop

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Join us for a Resume Building Workshop from 12-1pm!

Cover Letter Building

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Come meet your Career Services team to help build amazing cover letters !

Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity African fest. is a celebration of African cultures design to promote inclusivity and unity among students. It allows them to share their tradition engage with others, and experience a sense of belonging in multicultural environment.