Monthly Assembly (AM)

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Join us for our Monthly Assembly! We’ll Celebrate Birthdays, Perfect Attendance & Student Awards. Provide Reminders, Updates & Snacks!

Staff Meeting

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Monthly Staff Meeting – Room 7

Remote – Find it!

Optical Illusions to test your visual and mind!

Monthly Assembly (PM)

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Join us for our Monthly Assembly! We’ll Celebrate Birthdays, Perfect Attendance & Student Awards. Provide Reminders, Updates & Snacks!

Ask Me Anything with your Employment Specialist (Hamilton/CSW-AW-VG)

Take the opportunity to meet with your assigned Employment Specialist (Hamilton/CSW-AW-VG) to discuss resume and cover letter writing, application tooling, internship success, job search advice, and more! Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 245 900 707 400 Passcode: G6Ds6kL9

Day Out Trip : Blue Mountain

Blue Mountains he Blue Mountains, Ontario, Canada

Seats are limited! Reserve your seat today! Please note this is on a first come, first serve basis. To confirm your seat:1. The form below must be fully and accurately completed.2. Visit the Student Activity Centre between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM between November 11-November 23, to make your payment. Note: The cost of the trip for students […]

Virtual Identifying your Strengths, Skills, and Accomplishments

Taking stock of your strengths and abilities before entering the job market can greatly improve your chances of success. This workshop offers a comprehensive approach to identifying your skills, strengths, and personal achievements, helping you gain the confidence to pitch them effectively to potential employers. By the end of the session, you’ll have a clear […]