Blue Monday

Hamilton Campus Hughson Street South, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Fun to shake away the mid-January blues.

Saint John Campus McAllister Drive, Saint John, NB, Canada

Massage addict will be in to speak with the RMT class about bursaries etc

Brampton Campus 252 Queen St E, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Chiropractor Visit – Demo, Hiring for a multidisciplinary clinic

Event Series E – Gaming : PUB-G

E – Gaming : PUB-G

Mississauga Mohawk Campus City Centre Drive, Mississauga, ON, Canada

The E-gaming PUBG event is an intense, competitive battle royale tournament where skilled players face off for glory and prizes.

Event Series E – Gaming : PUB-G

E – Gaming : PUB-G

Mississauga Mohawk Campus City Centre Drive, Mississauga, ON, Canada

The E-gaming PUBG event is an intense, competitive battle royale tournament where skilled players face off for glory and prizes.

Caring Support

Plan Your Future Career in Healthcare – Lunch + Learn Session