4 days of Christmas !

TRIOS College, Kitchener Campus

Day 1: Ugly Sweater Day

Remote – Guess the Holiday Movie?

Join us for a delightful and entertaining Guess the Holiday Movie Challenge! Test your knowledge of classic and modern holiday films in this interactive virtual event.

4 Days of Christmas

TRIOS College, Kitchener Campus

Day 2: Hot Chocolate and Cookies!

Monthly Assembly (AM)

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Join us for our Monthly Assembly! We’ll Celebrate Birthdays, Perfect Attendance & Student Awards. Provide Reminders, Updates & Snacks!

Monthly Assembly (PM)

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Join us for our Monthly Assembly! We’ll Celebrate Birthdays, Perfect Attendance & Student Awards. Provide Reminders, Updates & Snacks!

DEVANT 2025 Job Search Planning

Join Devant career coaches, Keelin and Katerina, to discuss how to kickstart your job search and boost your career in the 2025 new year!


Hamilton Campus Hughson Street South, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Pizza lunch for students and staff.

4 Days of Christmas

KR Campus Students Common Area King Street East 235, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Day 3: December Student Assembly followed by Christmas Lunch for StudentsPizza and Pop!!

CD-ED Holiday Social

Microsoft Teams virtual

Pop in and be sociable with your fellow classmates and the CD-ED staff! There will be kahoot trivia and CD-ED swag for prizes!