Resume Building

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Come gather with us to get hands on support in building the best possible resume from your Career Services team!

Campus Assembly

Hamilton Campus Hughson Street South, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Campus assembly with students

Slab Cake Day in the Hammer

Hamilton Campus Hughson Street South, Hamilton, ON, Canada

National Cake Day!

KR – November Student Assembly

Celebrating National Cake Day November Student Assembly 10:30am in the Common Area of the Kitchener Campus. In honor of National Cake Day, we are serving some wonderful cake!

Virtual Job Interviews

With employers increasingly emphasizing the importance of a good fit, the job interview has become more critical than ever. This workshop will equip you with the necessary tools to prepare for an interview, manage stress, communicate your experience effectively, and handle difficult questions with confidence. By mastering these interview skills, you’ll be better equipped to […]