All Day

Windsor Campus Halloween Fun!

Windsor Campus Tecumseh Road East, Windsor

Come trick or treating at the Windsor campus from 8am-5pm! Student treat day, costume contest and paper pumpkin contest live results at 12pm!

Wear your Halloween Costumes!

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax

Staff & Students, show us your Halloween Costumes!

Halloween Coffee Break Fredericton

Student Lounge Prospect Street 850, Fredericton

Wear your costume and meet in the lounge at break time 10 am or 3 pm for treats and prizes.

Monthly Assembly (AM)

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax

Join us for our Monthly Assembly! We’ll Celebrate Birthdays, Perfect Attendance & Student Awards. Provide Reminders, Updates & Snacks!

Monthly Assembly (PM)

Halifax Campus Mumford Road, Halifax

Join us for our Monthly Assembly! We’ll Celebrate Birthdays, Perfect Attendance & Student Awards. Provide Reminders, Updates & Snacks!